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the Leading co-ed professional business fraternity at the University of Colorado

What is Alpha Kappa Psi?

Alpha Kappa Psi stands out as one of the premier professional business fraternities at CU Boulder. Beyond fostering professional growth and social connections, the Active Brothers of Alpha Kappa Psi are driven students, striving for excellence both within and beyond the workplace. Our distinguished Alumni Brothers have embarked on fulfilling careers, and the bonds of friendship and mentorship created here last for a lifetime. Recognizing the unique value each major brings to the business world, Alpha Kappa Psi has an inclusive recruitment approach, and all students of CU Boulder are welcome to apply. Come learn more about how Alpha Kappa Psi can transform your college life at our upcoming recruitment events!


Brotherhood holds an enduring significance in AKPsi, from a member's initiation day through their entire life. We pride ourselves on being a welcoming community where members find friends and connections that last a lifetime. We are anchored by the need to do what is in the best interest of the fraternity and act with a sense of stewardship and selflessness.


AKPsi is dedicated to preparing our members for professional excellence and personal growth. Through our company partnerships, networking events, and comprehensive pledge program, our members are fully equip to navigate and thrive in a dynamic business environment.

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